Initial Development

  • SSH Tunnel

    ssh -N -L {Cluster User}@{MASTER_IP}
  • Create an index using Python

    import elasticsearch
    es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()  # use default of localhost, port 9200
    es.index(index='posts', doc_type='blog', id=1, body={
      'author': 'Santa Clause',
      'blog': 'Slave Based Shippers of the North',
      'title': 'Using Celery for distributing gift dispatch',
      'topics': ['slave labor', 'elves', 'python',
                 'celery', 'antigravity reindeer'],
      'awesomeness': 0.2

    Kibana Dev Tools

  • Execute HTTP command list content of an index
    GET /{index name}?pretty

results matching ""

    No results matching ""