_**_Here are the steps used to setup the beta-kubernetes framework on an existing CCM AWS cluster:

  1. Create the cluster on CCM
  2. Make certain the DCOS CLI has been installed for your cluster

    dcos config show

    Note: Also, ensure the that the core.dcos_url matches with the expected AWS instance

  3. Install Kubernetes package from the 1.10 universe

    dcos package install --yes beta-kubernetes
    dcos package install --cli --yes dcos-enterprise-cli

    XXX Describe the types of nodes installed by beta-kubernetes

  4. Verify the Kubernetes framework package and all its containers have been installed

  5. Verify that there exists the beta-kubernetes and security CLI options available for 'dcos':

kubernetes/dcos-kubernetes-quickstart >dcos
Command line utility for the Mesosphere Datacenter Operating
System (DC/OS). The Mesosphere DC/OS is a distributed operating
system built around Apache Mesos. This utility provides tools
for easy management of a DC/OS installation.

Available DC/OS commands:

    auth               Authenticate to DC/OS cluster
    backup             Manage DC/OS Backups
    beta-kubernetes    Beta-Kubernetes DC/OS CLI Module
    cluster            Manage your DC/OS clusters
    config             Manage the DC/OS configuration file
    experimental       Manage commands that are under development
    help               Display help information about DC/OS
    job                Deploy and manage jobs in DC/OS
    marathon           Deploy and manage applications to DC/OS
    node               View DC/OS node information
    package            Install and manage DC/OS software packages
    security           DC/OS security related commands
    service            Manage DC/OS services
    task               Manage DC/OS tasks

Get detailed command description with 'dcos <command> --help'.
  1. download the kubernetes helpers using:
    git clone https://github.com/mesosphere/dcos-kubernetes-quickstart.git
  2. Enter the K8s working directory:
    cd /dcos-kubernetes-quickstart
  3. Setup the AWS credentials as environmental variables

    export SSH_USER=<the DC/OS cluster user id to use>
    export MASTER_IP=<the aws cluster master IP address>
  4. Enter the Kubernetes working container

    make docker

    XXX Need to discuss how to adjust the configuration and the impact of different decisions.
    This command will open the kubernetes container where you can continue the installation. If successful, and the AWS environmental variables were properly set, then you should see the following output:

    ~/demos/kubernetes/dcos-kubernetes-quickstart >make docker
    docker run -i -v credentials.json:/credentials.json -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/credentials.json -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<YOUR ACCESS ID> -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<YOUR ACCESS KEY> -e NUM_PRIVATE_AGENTS=3 -e NUM_PUBLIC_AGENTS=1 -e NUM_MASTERS=1 -v /Users/markjohnson/demos/kubernetes/dcos-kubernetes-quickstart:/dcos-kubernetes  -t mesosphere/dcos-kubernetes  /bin/bash
  5. Define the DC/OS master ip address to the .master_ip file in the container.

    root@8aa81a2cf185:/dcos-kubernetes# echo "<DCOS MASTER IP address" > .master_ip
  6. Copy the AWS pem key to a file called .id_file in the container

  7. setup the dcos cli for within the container

    make setup-cli

    You will be asked for the DC/OS cluster username for Kubernetes instance followed by the password. If no errors encountered, you are ready to move to the next step. The below screen print shows an example of a successful execution:

  1. Create a ssh tunnel to a node agent for APIServer access.
ssh -i $(ID_FILE) -f -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "ServerAliveInterval=120" \
                 -N -L 9000:apiserver-insecure.kubernetes.l4lb.thisdcos.directory:9000 \

Additional Resources


  • How to specify an on-prem K8s installation

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