Installing Kibana via the UI

  1. Make certain Marathon-lb is already installed
  2. Search for Kibana in the DC/OS Catalog

  1. Modify default properties to allow Marathon-lb supported load balancing and access external to DC/OS

  2. Verify Kibana is running

  3. Visit Kibana

Installing Kibana via the command line (CLI)

Verifying Kibana is running

  1. http://{master ip)/service/kibana

  2. Double check the Kibana nodes

  3. Enter GET /_cat/nodes into the Dev Tools Console

Modifying Kibana to Add Kibana X-Pack

  1. Modify the JSON file to add Kibana X-Pack
  2. Validate X-Pack

curl http://localhost:9200/_xpack

results matching ""

    No results matching ""